Terry Scott Taylor - Boomtown

Skeletons are moving under ground
There are angels on the sly
God is busy turning a big wheel 'round and 'round

Camels trudge across the desert sand
with their humps of holy water
They're looking for a home in the needle's eye
See them fly

And we go 'round in Boomtown
('round and 'round in Boomtown)
(but we don't cry in Boomtown)
(live and die in Boomtown)
Up and down

High rises reflect a gleaming spire
It's another faithless Sunday
God's still busy turning the big wheel
'round and 'round

The fire fell here a long time ago
but the glory could not last
We still wear our veils to the dark afterglow
and pray for some shadow of the past
for a star leading home
above the Savings and Loan

Skeletons are moving under ground
(ghosts and angels on the sly)
God is busy turning a big wheel